Terug naar UN climate conference COP18

A sustainable visit to COP18: eat a camel and other tips

– compensate for the CO2 emission of your flight through www.greenseats.com or similar sites.
– use a tablet. Admirable: through the PaperSmart policy, you really don’t need anything else! And tablets are sustainable: http://www.treehugger.com/gadgets/sustainability-tablets-infographic.html
-additionally: leave your laptop at home. There are laptops everywhere, and as these are already on, it would be a waste to use your own as well. Use the digital cloud or sustainable USB keys (available at the COP18 shop) to share your files.
– go couchsurfing or stay with friends. Living together saves power in your single hotel room.
– carry your own bottle of water to the top. there are reuseable cups, but re-using it yourself is even better of course. Especially when your bottle was made in a sustainable manner: I use the Aquatina bottle. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Aquatina-Collapsible-Water-Bottle/dp/B003V51PZU
– recharge your devices at the top. As the convention center was  built climate neutral, I assume this is sustainable energy. There are many charging stations.
– as in any case: take the shuttlebus to the conference or share your ride.  Shuttlebuses leave from every big hotel. And I have experienced that it’s safe to share your taxi with a stranger in Qatar! And with the top it’s of course also good to make new contacts.
– Eat a camel 😉 as this food is produced locally, which means less emission for transport. And it’s delicious!

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